Thinking Of Only You

It's now 3 years later and Taylor, Zac, and Isaac are now returning from their tour. Their family had to stay in Europe because of their job and their manager thought it would be best if they stayed in another country to help brouden their sucess.

But now they are returning to Ashley and Dawn after 3 years. They're older (Isaac's 20, Taylor's 18, and Zac's 15). The girls are now 16 years old, they just got their driver's lisences.

Chapter 18 has been added! Once again, we have to apologize for the dely. Enjoy the chapter. Chapter 19 will be up soon.


ITZ Hanson
I (Jennifer) made this image. Please don't take it without my permission. I spent a lot of time working on this and if I find it on your web page, I will ask you to take it down.

Until Christmas of 1999! lol

Until New Years 2000!

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MTV Sucks!

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Go Zac! Go Zac!

(if you see a chapter with * beside it, it means it contains adult content)


Chapter One: Home Again

Chapter Two: Here We Go Around Again

Chapter Three: Spaghetti

Chapter Four: Look Out!

Chapter Five: Scares

Chapter Six: Clashing

Chapter Seven: Secrets and Lies

Chapter Eight: More Secrets...More Lies*

Chapter Nine: Something To Tell

Chapter Ten: I Love You

Chapter Eleven: Desperate Looks*

Chapter Twelve: Caughtcha*

Chapter Thirteen: Too Close

Chapter Fourteen: Lay Down Beside Me**

Chapter Fifteen: Sleepovers

Chapter Sixteen: Early Visitors

Chapter Seventeen: Wild Nights

Chapter Eighteen: Secrets Revealed

Next Chapter: Coming Soon

This Is MMMBop, our new Hanson Panda!

JEN'S 4TH ONLINE STORY: That Thing You Do!
also, check out her 5th (online) story! A Family Worth Fighting For
Jen's starting a brand new story. Get some info about The Perfect Fan The first chapter is up! Go check it out. PLEASE!
Also, soon another story called Larger Than Life will be up soon. Keep checking back.

This Story Has Been Read Times Since July 6, 1998

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